
Why go DVFREE?

Domestic violence is pervasive and harmful to individuals, families, workplaces and communities throughout Aotearoa.
One in Three Women

One in Three Women

in New Zealand are physically or sexually abused by a partner in their lifetime. When psychological abuse is included, the figure is one in two.

Twice as Likely

Twice as Likely

Gay, lesbian, or bisexual adults are more than twice as likely to experience intimate partner and sexual violence.

Three Minutes

Three Minutes

NZ Police respond to a family violence episode every three minutes. This is up from every six minutes in 2013.

45% Confide in a Colleague

45% Confide in a Colleague

45% of people experiencing domestic violence confide in a colleague.

Why support employees and customers experiencing family violence?

Employee health, safety and wellbeing
Social responsibility
Customer care and safety
Legal obligations
The financial cost to business

Want to get started?

Your organisation can take a number of steps to provide a safe and supportive workplace for your people experiencing domestic violence, including training first responders and managers, and updating your domestic violence policy.

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