
Shine Education & Training

By providing opportunities for training and education, we aim to create a collective response in addressing New Zealand’s scourge of family violence.

Violence Intervention Programme Te Whatu Ora v2

Violence Intervention Programme – Te Whatu Ora

Shine is part of a National management team delivering the Violence Intervention Programme (VIP).

 Shine works closely with Te Whatu Ora to support the training of the VIP system across all our national hospitals in New Zealand. This training prepares health professionals to recognise and respond to intimate partner violence and child abuse and neglect. Shine developed and annually updates the National VIP core training package, and supports all VIP training. Shine trains, accredits and supports VIP coordinators across the 20 Health Districts in Aotearoa with implementing the Violence Intervention Programme.

Shine has had a close working partnership with Te Toka Tumai Auckland (previously, Auckland District Health Board) since 1996. Shine staff work as part of the Te Toka Tumai VIP team and provide onsite advocacy for hospital patients who disclose family violence. Shine also supports primary healthcare services (GP practices, well-child providers, etc.) to deliver similar training for health practitioners.

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