

Become a DVFREE First Responder

PSN 3283 HR

Do you want to learn how to provide better support for your employees who experience family violence? Read more or register now for our open First Responder training!

You will learn from our experts in this interactive training, which is either 1-day in-person in Auckland, or online over two consecutive mornings. You’ll leave the training with the knowledge and confidence to support employees in a range of family violence situations, and with a workbook to help you refresh learning and with practical resources to help you support impacted employees.


Why support employees experiencing domestic violence?
Why support customers who experience domestic violence?
  1. Employee health, safety and wellbeing
  2. Customer care and safety
  3. Legal obligations
  4. The financial cost to business
  5. Social responsibility

Read more

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Become a DVFREE Tick Partner 

DVFREE Tick Partner organisations sign up to a structured, ongoing partnership with Shine to provide a sustainable, best practice workplace response to family violence that meet the DVFREE Tick criteria, which are based on the essential recommendations of our DVFREE Workplace Guidelines. The DVFREE Tick Partnership Annual Fee covers all services required for meeting the DVFREE Tick criteria, and includes resources not available to other organisations such as our Manager Online Learning Programme modules.

Contact us now to find out more.

A DVFREE workplace is one where

A DVFREE workplace is one where:

  • Employees impacted by domestic violence feel safe and supported at work.
  • Domestic violence is not tolerated or excused; the workplace promotes and supports respectful behaviour within domestic and family relationships.
  • All employees know what to do if a work colleague is experiencing or perpetrating domestic violence.
  • A best practice workplace response to domestic violence exceeds legal obligations under the Domestic Violence – Victims Protection Act 2018 and other laws.
A DVFREE customer response is one where

A DVFREE customer response is one where:

  • Customers experiencing domestic violence are treated with dignity and empathy, while prioritising their safety and privacy.
  • These customers receive extra care where their experience of domestic violence impacts on their experience as a customer.
  • These customers receive information about specialist services in the community.

Want to get started?

Your organisation can take a number of steps to provide a safe and supportive workplace for your people experiencing domestic violence, including training first responders and managers, and updating your domestic violence policy.

DVFREE Tick Partners

Our DVFREE Tick Partners (below) meet ongoing requirements to sustain a best practice workplace response to domestic violence.

See DVFREE partner video testimonials.

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