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Shine Helpline

Providing confidential family violence support, information and advice to the community

Call 0508 744 633 (free from any phone in New Zealand)
or access our live webchat here.
The Shine helpline is provided by Whakarongorau Aotearoa.


We’re here for you 24/7

We’re here for you 24/7

Our helpline is free and accessible via phone or live webchat.

Highly trained and experienced professionals

Highly trained and experienced professionals

We listen and provide emotional support without judgment.

We take calls 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 

If you're in immediate danger, call 111 and ask for the police. If it's unsafe to speak, push 55 on a mobile (or any number on a landline) to be put through to the police.

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We’re here to support you

Our highly trained and experienced team welcomes calls from people needing support, information and referrals to local services, and from people wanting advice about how to help someone they know who may be experiencing family violence. 

We can help you understand what’s going on in your relationship, sort through your options, and develop the best plan for becoming safer that honours your dignity, values, beliefs and choices. 

You can call as many times as you want or need to.

The Shine helpline is provided by Whakarongorau Aotearoa.

Who we help

Anyone feeling trapped, controlled or physically or emotionally abused by a partner, ex-partner, family member or someone close to them.

People worried about a friend, family member, child, neighbour, workmate, or anyone who might be experiencing family violence.

Anyone concerned about using harmful behaviour towards a partner, family member or someone close to them.

We’re here to support you, whether you’re a woman, a man or gender diverse, a member of a rainbow community, younger or older, no matter your ethnicity, culture, or personal situation.

Shine Helpline NZ Relay Services

NZ Relay Service

If you're deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired, you can ring the Shine helpline using the NZ Relay service.

Our helpline also has access to an interpreting service, so if you have limited English, please let the helpline staff know what language you speak when you ring, and we’ll try to access an interpreter for you.

A Note on Confidentiality

It’s our job to support you to be safe. What you tell us is confidential unless we believe there is an urgent and serious risk to your safety, your children's or someone else's safety. In these cases, if possible, we’ll discuss our decision to pass along information with you beforehand.

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Without your generous donations, we couldn’t support as many people as we do.

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