
Event Registration

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Refund/Cancellation Policy

  • 10 working days or more prior to course date: you are eligible for a full refund of payment minus $20 admin fee, or you may reschedule at no additional charge
  • 4-9 working days prior to course date: you are eligible for a refund of 50% of your training fee, or you may reschedule to a later date at no additional charge
  • 3 working days or less prior to course date: No refunds, however you may reschedule to a later training date for an additional fee of 50% of your training fee

If the course you register for is cancelled by Shine, you may elect to have your payment refunded or reschedule to a later training date.
In order to request a refund or to reschedule your training date, please email invoice@2shine.org.nz.