Our free helpline & webchat services provide 24/7, confidential family violence support from highly trained staff.
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Help free someone from
abuse this Valentine’s Day.
Your donation to Shine can help women escape coercive control before it’s too late - before it tragically costs someone their life.
Need help right now?

Are you in immediate danger?
Call 111 and ask for the police. If unsafe to speak, push 55 on a mobile (or any number on a landline).

Shine Helpline
Call now to receive advice and support from our compassionate team.

Chat to us Online
If you’d prefer to chat online, you can access confidential support via our live webchat.
What we do

Shine Helpline
Our confidential helpline is free and accessible 24/7 via phone or live webchat.
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Our advocates can support you and help to meet your safety and well-being needs and advocate on your behalf.
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A structured, brief intervention service for children traumatised from experiencing or witnessing serious family violence, to increase their safety and wellbeing.
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Safety Programmes
Supporting the safety of protected people and their children and providing them with strategies for dealing with their experiences of family violence.
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Safe Housing
Emergency accommodation options for women who want to leave an abusive partner but don’t have a safe place to go.
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Whānau Resilience
A programme that builds relationships after family violence trauma for fathers/mothers and their children.
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Non-violence Programmes
Supporting people to change their behaviour and develop the insight and skills they need to maintain respectful, non-violent relationships.
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About us
Founded in 1990, Shine is a leading specialist family violence service provider in New Zealand.
Shine is an acronym that stands for Safer Homes in New Zealand Everyday. This name – and our aims in addressing family violence – are hopeful, positive and optimistic.
We directly help thousands of adults and children who experience abuse every year to become safer through our frontline services; and we indirectly help thousands more through our education and training programmes and our partnerships, particularly in the health and justice sectors.

Shine Education and Training
We provide a range of education and training programmes throughout Aoteraroa New Zealand, that aim to create a collective response to this massive social problem. These include training in the health and justice sectors across the motu, bespoke family violence training packages for specific purposes or audiences, as well as DVFREE and Shine RESPOND.
DVFREE is designed to help workplaces provide a sustainable, best-practice response to family violence that exceeds legal obligations.
Shine RESPOND is a family violence response training programme designed specifically for community professionals, family violence practitioners, social agencies, and organisations that serve communities.